Quote 250 The poison leaves bit by bit, not all at once 250
Quote 249 What you are going through today 249
Quote 248 We have hands; we can stand on them if we want to 248
Quote 247 For everything you have missed, you have gained something 247
Quote 246 Not everything is supposed to become something beautiful 246
Quote 245 Everything in the world is about sex except sex 245
Quote 244 Behind every beautiful thing, there’s some kind of pain 244
Quote 243 I don’t know where I’m going from here 243
Quote 242 The truth is, we’re all some kind of haunted 242
Quote 241 Everything in the universe has a rhythm 241
Quote 240 I like weird people… The black sheep 240
Quote 239 Sometimes the dreams that come true 239
Quote 238 When a child is punished for their honesty, they begin to lie 238
Quote 237 Faces are the most interesting things we see 237
Quote 236 May you take time to celebrate the quiet miracles 236
Quote 235 Owning your story is the bravest thing you will ever do 235
Quote 234 Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life 234
Quote 233 I talk to God but the sky is empty 233
Quote 232 She was free in her wildness 232
Quote 231 I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer 231
Quote 230 Have you ever noticed how we often live on the surface 230
Quote 229 The best way to find out if you can trust somebody 229
Quote 228 Its doctrines carry with them the stamp of the times 228
Quote 227 It's what you choose to believe that makes you the person 227
Quote 226 You don’t need to have your name written in the text 226
Quote 225 I am not interested in anything that doesn’t have 225
Quote 224 I have a special skill of feeling too much 224
Quote 223 … it becomes clear that I am not one and simple 223
Beyond the beauty of the external forms Beyond the beauty of the external forms
Know that you can start late Know that you can start late 221
That’s why I’m talking to you That’s why I’m talking to you 220
Something in me wants more. I can’t rest Something in me wants more. I can’t rest 219
Do you love me enough that I may be weak with you Do you love me enough that I may be weak with you
Before you can live a part of you has to die Before you can live a part of you has to die 217
Some people survive and talk about it Some people survive and talk about it 216
The mind, once stretched by a new idea The mind, once stretched by a new idea 215
I’m not interested in how people move I’m not interested in how people move 214
There are thoughts which are prayers There are thoughts which are prayers
You don’t remember what happened You don’t remember what happened 212
If you can’t beat fear, just do it scared If you can’t beat fear, just do it scared 211
The soul is silent The soul is silent 210
A million years after the birth of our sun A million years after the birth of our sun 209
She had always wanted words, she loved them; grew up on them She had always wanted words, she loved them; grew up on them
If you can promise me anything If you can promise me anything 207
You know you can change the story You know you can change the story 206
You carry the fragrance of everything You carry the fragrance of everything 205
For your hair was full of roses For your hair was full of roses 204
The earth is not just for the clever and the strong The earth is not just for the clever and the strong 203
If you try to change it, you will ruin it If you try to change it, you will ruin it 202
She felt everything others felt She felt everything others felt 201